Compagnie Nulle Part - The Juggling Multimedia Show ZIP ZAP


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Zip Zap

Juggling multimedia show - All audiences - Duration 1h

For any information, please contact our broadcasting manager Laurence PIGNIER at +33 6 99 41 23 24 or with our contact page.


Zip Zap is a play of juggling and multimedia, its creation starts in 2006. Our desir to combine in an fully innovative way the art of multimedia and the art of juggling made us meet for this ambitious project.

One specificity of the show is the use of video to create a permanent interaction between real and virtual. A new dimension appears on stage, where the rules of objects manipulation disappear : the screen, which the borders are easily crossed by both characters. These offences to the rules of reality deceive the feelings of the spectactors ; they are immersed in a magic world where reality, fiction and imaginary are so intimately combined so that the true becomes false and the false becomes more true than the true.

Zip Zap is a show without speaking, for all audiences, and lasts one hour.


Click to enlarge


Acting / Juggling :

Anthony DAGNAS

Staging / scenography :


Technical management / lights engineering / decors design :


Accessories and stage management :

Anthony DAGNAS

Video design :

Christophe QUENEL

Sound design :


Costums design :


Artistic collaboration :

Patrick JANVIER : Acting direction


A new video game is going to break the news : it's a juggling duel between a real player and a virtual character. What is more magic than playing with its avatar ?

But Zip and Zap, the characters of the game, escape from the control of the creator of the game, Max. They go out from the screen and arrive in the real world !

Able to have their own desirs, inspired by their new freedom, they explore the teenager room of Max. Any discovery may cause a new game or feat. Their play adventures go on whereas the outer world can panic because of the consequences of such a bug in the video game.

And if this show were an allegory of what could happen in the head of a young addict to video games, his mind could zap too !

With a entertaining view, the consequences of virtuality abuse are pointed. Should we moderate our use of virtuality ? Anyway, abuse of this show can only be beneficial for your health.


Click on the author to read his critic.

  • + Joël BRETON Director of the theater LA PALENE in ROUILLAC (16)

  • + Jean Louis THOMAS Co-organizer of the Festival JONGLISSIMO (51)

  • + Patricia CHARLES Director of the Festival THEATRES EN FETE (16)